Thursday, May 08, 2008


Today was fun. I started off with a Hilton catered breakfast of eggs, french toast, bacon, sausage, and various other artery-clogging foods. I then went over and worked the media booth as I had volunteered for (starting at 645 AM).

This is when the fun started...over to my little corner saunters the founder of the company I work for. Wow. Ok he really is a real person! Well actually I already knew that because he called me a few weeks ago to make sure I was ok after being hit by a drunk driver...but wow, here he was in the flesh. The thing that was even better was that he talked to me like a real person. He talks to EVERYBODY like they are real people that are to be respected....not just employees of a corporation. I even got my pic taken with him...hee hee.

I picked up a lot of tips and tricks on how to conduct my business. The funny thing is, because I was a special "guest" my attendance at today's function was not mandatory. We were certainly welcome to attend, but definitely not required. Therefore the information was geared more towards upper management.

Despite this, I was more than able to hold my own at a table of my fellow coworkers. I knew most of the people at the table so there was definitely ease in the air. Surprisingly I was able to bring up several key points and catch phrases (that I had just learned from my specific meetings on Monday and Tuesday) that got definite positive reviews. It also helps that I am definitely more customer facing in my line of work than the managers are. I'm not saying they don't talk to customers; These people certainly do. It's just I get a much broader view.

Well, at least I got my name out there a bit.

This evening nobody else was really around. My manager is staying at a different hotel down the block, and I'm sure he would appreciate some "him" aka "not hanging around another employee" time, so I didn't bother him. My fellow special-guest brethren seized the opportunity of today being an "optional" day and headed over to Disney heaven.

I really didn't have any ambition to go waste close to $100 to get into a Disney park just to walk around. I don't ride things so it would have been pointless.

So I instead looked at a map to see what's around. There was this other things called "Downtown Disney" which apparently was free to get into. I was hungry, it was there, so I went on a walk. It's about a 25 minute walk but that was ok. I'm a hiker. Why wait 30 minutes for a shuttle when you can spend that time walking? Plus it burns off the calories you are about to consume.

I had some Mexican taco-things...5 bucks. Not bad.

AND WHY IS IT SO FREAKIN COLD OUT HERE????? I was told there should be sunshine and temps in the mid 70s. It hasn't gotten any warmer than about 65, and drops into the 50s at night. The breeze doesn't help and it has been cloudy all the time as well. Grrrr.

Tomorrow is a free day so I think I will go geocaching. Unfortunately I don't have my handheld GPS, only my car-based one, so I will be relying purely on Geocaching instinct!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This guy has a personality and intellectual prowess that fits in any situation! So, how about a postcard from "not-so-warm" west coast to "bright and sunny" east coast?