Friday, June 20, 2008

I'z got RIMZ!

As I sit here taking in the morning news (and just realizing I didn't have my coffee) I looked outside and saw something that piqued my interest. A black Saturn drove by with these really "fly," "bling," rims on it.

"Fly and Bling" is defined by rims that are typically found on sports car or rice-burner bumblebee-mufflered cars. Exhibit one found at the beginning of this blog.

The car in question that saw this morning was a late 90s to early 2000 beat up black Saturn. The rims, upon closer inspection, were OZ Galileos. What exact model I do not know, but what I do know is that Galileos are about $800 apiece. That's 3200 dollars for rims. Not to mention the rubber wrapped on these rims were some sort of low-profile racing tire. I'm pretty sure the car was less than the rubber on the road.

What exactly is the point? This was not a race car. It isn't even a car that is trying to pass itself off as a race car. A 1999 SL1 such as the car I was looking at makes a whopping 100 horsepower with its 1.9L engine. It doesn't even have a 0-60 time. So why the need to spend about $4,000 for rims and tires??

You know you've seen the type...they go to make a turn into the parking deck but they have to inch forward because their car is "slammed" or lowered to the point of stupidness. If they go to fast over a pebble they might bottom out. Meanwhile you are behind them cursing all that is Bling. Should I also mention that most slammed cars do not pass Federal DOT standards?

To polish this post off, here is a funny video of one of these Saturns thinking it would be fun to race a LT1. WHAT?

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