Friday, June 13, 2008

Killer Tomatoes and Street Justice

Case of the Killer Tomato (warning, NSFW language)
I knew I shouldn't have turned the news on this morning. The state of our society continues to spiral into who-knows-what

What the hell is this? We can't even eat tomatoes without worrying about contracting deadly diseases now? I think it's time that the government do some overhauling of our domestic food supply regulation and enforcement. All it takes is some person or entity with nothing but trouble on their mind to completely screw with our food system.

I also heard a news story on the radio this morning about some dude who mugged a 60+ year old Catholic Schoolteacher. Now her profession is irrelevant, but who the hell mugs a 60 year old lady?

In certain situations I am a definite believer in 'eye for an eye' justice. Murdering children, the elderly, police officers, etc...but only when there are multiple witnesses and camera evidence, with 100% airtightness. This actually doesn't happen very often, but when it does....

Don't give me any of that 'world is blind' crap, because most of the people who commit these crimes don't care and will just go back to crime afterwards. Heck, even in the jails if you are a "mother killer" "elderly murderer" or "child killer/rapist" you can expect your days to be numbered. What does that tell you when even the the lowest of the low scourge of society thinks you are a worthless loser that should be put down like a dog? Someone that brings rival gangs together for the common cause of eliminating you? (and most likely will last a week out of solitary before someone gets to you)

Now our particular jackass of the day was clearly caught on film. Perhaps when they caught this guy we should return to the 1600s and stone the bastard at the town common. Yaknow, if you think about it they really had some of the punishments correct back then, they just lacked the ability to properly prosecute with airtight evidence. Crime was nowhere near rampant as it is now-adays even though life was 100 times tougher. Can you imagine what it would be like should we suddenly be plunged into a situation similar to the past?

Who the HELL picks on a 60 year old woman? Not that mugging anyone is a good thing, but for pete's sake, a 60 year old? Are you that cowardly that you must pick on an older woman who has committed her life to sharing and instilling knowledge on our young folk? You should respect your elders you little punk, and if you want to pick a fight and show how tough you are, try it on someone your own size. If you needed money or a place to stay perhaps you could have ASKED someone at the Catholic school. I'm sure they would have helped in some way, being a House of God and all...

Ok I'm in a better mood now.

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