Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It never ceases to amaze me...

...that people just plain don't pay attention to what they are doing when driving. Ok, so it's 30 degrees, icy, slushy, and generally craptacular out there today. I'm driving 25 in a 30 on a side road so I don't go flying off the road. Up behind me comes Ms. Bling-bling dumbass in her giant black SUV going about 45. So close to my back bumper that all I see is headlights.

To make it even better she's got those low-profile wide tires and "rims" on the thing, and the suspension has been lowered. Seriously, why the hell do do you buy an off-road capable vehicle just to lower it and put low profile tires on it?

Well I at least I was able to see her dumbassedness teach her a lesson. As she impatiently gunned it off a stop sign and turned in the opposite direction that I had gone, I got to watch the back end of her giant-mobile swing all out of control and BAM right into a nice new granite curb.

I guess them 'rimz' aren't worth that much any more now that they're bent?


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